Empowered Equine
Mission Statement:
“Achieving Balance One Horse at A Time”
Our Vision:
With holistic nutrition and alternative therapies, we strive to help horses reach their full potential while educating their owners in how they can assist in the process.
Michelle has grown up with a rodeo family as well as several generations of ranchers and owning her own horses. Her love of horses came from her dad, who trained horses. From a young age, horses were her greatest love. When Michelle was older, she began breeding performance horses with fabulous bloodlines such as Frenchmen’s Guy, Bully Bullion and High Brow Cat, just to name a few. After several years of breeding horses, she noticed more and more young horses, in the arena and show pens, were suffering from injuries and poor nutrition. That began years of research as to why this was happening and being accepted as the norm. Through this she learned the importance of proper nutrition and what poor nutrition can lead to. Listed below are a few examples
Bad behavior
Poor performance
Poor or stunted development
Aggravate disease/aliment
Cause imbalance in body-ex: hormones out of balance leading to anxiety
This caused Michelle to seek out equine nutritional training. She became a Certified Equine Nutritionist in 2014. In 2018, Michelle had a horse that was diagnosed with laminitis. The traditional diets were making her horse worse instead of better. Yet again she began her research and discovered holistic nutrition. Michelle has since obtained a degree in Holistic Nutrition and Medicine. Through this she has been able to help educate horse owners with her knowledge and has customers from Washington State to Florida. Over the years Michelle has gained several other certifications to aid in helping horse reach their full potential. Her achievements are listed below.
Certified Equine Nutritionist
Certified Equine MLD Professional
Certified Equine Cranial/Sacral Therapy
Certified in Equine Kinesiology
Certified Aromatherapist
Co-Founder Equine Therapy Solutions
Horses are not just a hobby to us; they are our passion and life.
Website Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is provided for educational purposes and is not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your veterinarian or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Information and statements regarding the herbal supplements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.